This website is owned by the company XPLOR – BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, SGPS, S.A., a public limited company with headquarters in the Edificio Tower Plaza, Rotunda Engenheiro Edgar Cardoso, nº 23, 11º D, 4400-676, Vila Nova de Gaia, parish of Santa Marinha e São Pedro da Afurada, municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, entity with the documents fully deposited in electronic form, with the legal person identification number 513321489 and with the share capital of € 625,000.00, (hereinafter, “XPLOR”), and is intended, through the companies of its Group, the dissemination and marketing of goods and services of XPLOR, a brand for whose management it is responsible.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to users of the website and to any operations and transactions, commercial or otherwise, carried out through this website.

The use that a user makes of any information, content, products or services made available on the website or accessible through it, is conditioned by the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.

For any clarification related to this website or these General Terms and Conditions of Use, XPLOR can be contacted through the following means:

United Kingdom:
10 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SL
T: +44 203 457 0166
E: Hello.UK@Xplor.Solutions

Portugal (Lisbon):
Avenida Infante D. Henrique, 333 C 1800-257 Lisboa
T: +351 22 245 5276
E: Hello.PT@Xplor.Solutions

Portugal (Porto):
Edifício Tower Plaza, Rotunda Eng. Edgar Cardoso, 23 11º D, 4400-676 VN Gaia Porto
T: +351 22 245 5276
E: Olá.PT@Xplor.Solutions

Ul. Malborska 3 lok. U-4.2, 03-286 Warszawa
T: +48 693 932 151
E: Hello.PL@Xplor.Solutions

Avenida das Nações Unidas, 13797 – Bloco II – 7º andar – Morumbi – São Paulo
T: +55 11 5643-1350
E: Hello.BR@Xplor.Solutions

XPLOR, group companies, their administrators, managers, directors, employees and/or workers are not responsible for any damages that may be caused by the use of the service, including virus contamination or improper use of the image of the website by third parties.

By accessing the site, the user declares to be over 18 years old.

XPLOR reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions of Use without prior notice, and the user is subject to the terms in force on the date of consultation or use of the website.

Users of the website declare to know and accept these General Terms and Conditions of Use, committing to respect them and assuming full responsibility for any acts or omissions that contradict them.


The data and specifications present on this website are presented for informational purposes only, reserving, XPLOR, the right to modify at any time, and without prior notice, the information and commercial offer presented on: products and promotional campaigns, commercial conditions and services.

XPLOR makes their best efforts to ensure that the information presented is free of errors, in particular regarding the characteristics of the products and photographs. Nevertheless, XPLOR is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any information made available on the website. In case of doubt or clarification, the user may contact XPLOR for any of the contacts indicated above.


The User acknowledges that ownership and title to all intellectual property rights, including, without limitation, the rights over the website, any software, codes (source, object, etc.), copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, are and will remain the property of XPLOR.

Likewise, the workflow processes, user interface, designs, know-how and other technologies provided by XPLOR as part of the service are property of XPLOR, as are all rights, titles and interests, including all associated intellectual property rights, which remain with XPLOR only.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use do not grant the User any rights to use any trademarks and/or logos that belongs to XPLOR.

The User will not copy, translate, disassemble or decompile, or create or attempt to create, by reverse engineering or otherwise, XPLOR’s source code and/or object.

The User will not remove any confidentiality or intellectual property notices.

XPLOR warrants that, to the extent expected and reasonable knowledge they have, it does not infringe any intellectual property rights of any third party.

XPLOR reserves all rights that are not expressly provided for and listed in this clause, and may not, at any time be interpreted in a different sense, and should, in case of doubt, always be interpreted as meaning that the use in doubt is expressly forbidden by XPLOR.

The User is expressly forbidden from taking the following actions in relation to the website, its domains and servers:

  1. Sell, resell, redistribute, sublicense, rent or lease, in whole or in part, unless otherwise provided in an order or other written agreement with XPLOR;
  2. Use to store or transmit illegal or unlawful material;
  3. Use to store or transmit material that violates the rights of third parties;
  4. Interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Services;
  5. Seek to gain unauthorized access to them and/or their computer systems;
  6. Decompile, disassemble, making reverse engineer of XPLOR;
  7. Seek to obtain the source code, modify, decrypt, create derivative works or any services of XPLOR;
  8. Access or use them to build a competing service and/or product, or copy any feature, function or graphic for competitive purposes.

If the User violates any of the aforementioned provisions, the User is obliged to compensate XPLOR in an amount never less than € 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand euros), without such amount including the right to request additional compensation in court for damages, namely, compensations paid to third parties and expenses with courts and forensic representation.


The processing of personal information within the scope of data protection is governed by XPLOR’s Privacy Policy and should be consulted.

The User may not use software tools to collect information of a personal nature, namely robots, crawlers or other automatic mechanisms.


The General Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy of the website, as well as any conflict regarding copyright and (or) intellectual property rights are subject to Portuguese legal regulations.

Any dispute will be settled, preferably by an arbitrary commission. If this is not feasible, the dispute will be resolved before the Portuguese courts, which the user declares to accept.

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