Xplor Solutions
and Ladorian:

Sales on Retail
with AI Technology

Footfall and Store Visits

  • Smart displays in shop windows
  • Designed to drive footfall into your stores

Conversion and ATV

  • Connect any devices (audio, video, etc.)
  • POS, tablets, weighing scales
  • Increased impulse sales and average ticket value

Drive loyalty

  • Send personalised content to customers’ mobile phones (via Apps, SMS, Mail or Whatsapp)
  • Ensure greater impact

Earn advertising revenue

  • Sell Ad Space to Third Parties
  • Connect with DSP & SSP agencies and partners

Leveraging AI specifically designed for the retail sector, this engine combines data from the Internet of Things (IoT) with current in-store and external conditions to recommend optimised real time product promotions and bundle combinations.

This unique capability enables you to provide highly personalised and effective recommendations, enhancing the customer experience and driving sales in ways that traditional solutions cannot match.

If you’d like to find out more or speak to someone in our team,
simply fill out your details below and we’ll get back to you.